POD International Consulting has its legal base in France. It is registered as a ‘SASU’ (société par actions simplifiée unipersonnelle), and holds the following credentials:
RCS: 832 287 569 (20173608) (Registre du Commerce et des Societes – Registered with the Chamber of Commerce)
APE: 7022Z (Activite Principale de l’Entreprise) – type of works undertaken and sectors of work
SIRET / SIREN: 832 287 569 00012 (Système d’identification du répertoire des entreprises – and Système d’identification du répertoire des établissements: Business Directory Identification System)
POD is a non-VAT registered company, mandated and legally entitled to provide its services globally, to governments, aid sector organisations (including implementing agencies, donors and other stakeholders), private sector entities, civil society organisations, and academic institutions.
POD’s structure and management is freely and flexibly designed in the corporate statutes, and its financial liability is limited solely to its corporate capital.