Academic Research
Blending Leadership Philosophy and Practice in the Aid Sector in South Asia
Leaders of international humanitarian and development organizations (IHDOs) contribute to providing aid to many of the world’s poorest and most disasteraffected people in South Asia. Challenges they face include increasing demands for compliance, accountability, and transparency against the need to deliver on intended results and objectives. Leaders are required to provide vision, strategy, consistency, and security in contexts that are increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, [...]
PhD Thesis – Success Factors for the leadership of International Humanitarian and Development Organisations (IHDO) in South Asia
Leaders of international humanitarian and development organisations (IHDOs) are part of the global network of actors providing aid to the South Asian countries of India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. These leaders steer and support the delivery of essential humanitarian and development assistance to many of the world’s poorest, naturally-triggered disaster and conflict-affected people and their governments. However, the complexity, diversity [...]
Masters Dissertation – Disengagement of International Humanitarian and Development Organisations (IHDO) in Sri Lanka
Since the 1970s, International Humanitarian and Development Organisations (IHDO) have increasingly become part of the global network of aid actors implementing programmes in Sri Lanka. The strategic and prominent roles of the host government and other local organisations, whilst acknowledged as imperative, have sometimes been sidelined, or loose asymetric ‘partnerships’ formed to offer the impression of ‘local ownership’. IHDO programmes [...]
Capacity Development in Situations of Conflict and Fragility
In my long journey as public servant of Nepal, I kept on pondering on questions like: Why are state and government insufficiently responsive towards the conflicts in our society? Why don’t we have a contract between state and citizens engaging them in meaningful discourses to resolve the emerg-ing conflicts and which could address the underlying causes behind them? Is it [...]
Professional Guides on the Humanitarian and Development Sector
Development Priority Identification and Processing (D-PIP) for Village and Neighbourhood Councils
It is a matter of great satisfaction for me and my team to present this Training Manual on “Development Priorities Identification and Processing (D-PIP)” for Village and Neighbourhood councils, developed with the technical assistance of GIZ under the leadership of Local Governance School, LGER&DD, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as a result of intensive and extensive consultation, Focused Group Discussion and pre-testing [...]
Guide Pratique du Projet « Abris Provisoires Pour les Victimes du Séisme en Haïti »
Vu l’ampleur des dégâts enregistrés au niveau de l’habitat suite au monstrueux séisme du 12 janvier 2010, le gouvernement allemand, via son ministère de la Coopération Economique et de Développement (BMZ), a contribué au retour des sinistrés du séisme et déplacés des camps dans leur ancien lieu d’habitation. Toute cette opération menée grâce au projet « Abris provisoires pour [...]
Better ways to manage meetings
This booklet was originally published by RedR-IHE in Sri Lanka (, whose Learning Support Unit provides capacity building and workshops for Government and UN agencies, and international, national and local NGOs. Copies of the original RedR-IHE booklet and others in the series may be obtained from either of the following organisations. To download the full document click here
How to run a workshop
So you have decided to organise a workshop. This manual hopes to guide you through the decision-making and action. First, you need to think about the kind of workshop you want –and what you can afford. Sometimes this is best done by two or three people who brainstorm their ideas, collecting them on a flip chart. 1.2 What is a [...]